
Short stories

Short stories
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Short stories
Reference : RELATSBREU
This is an atypical book. A collection of stories of various kinds, which, in a short space of time, will allow us to meet a small bird abandoned in its nest, a furious girl riding on her steed, an elephant guardian of the forests and mountains, or the amazing leaf children. Fifty captivating texts written clearly, bluntly, with the right adjectives, with the transparency of the air. Full of sensations and feelings, sometimes happy, others, more similar to when a sunset is observed in which, at the last moment, a gray cloud stands between us and the sun, and reminds us that not everything ends in the expected way.
Each story is based on an image. The author does an exercise of inverse imagination, taking us from where we are to that image, using the path drawn with words woven with letters, walking on the subtle veil of fantasy. All this, using only two hundred words.
Ricardo Sánchez Alférez
2025-12-31 15.0015,00
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